Sunday, 5 November 2017

Exploring Topics

ž  What individuals or organisations would generate information about the use, design, distribution and/or manufacture of prosthetic limbs? (5)

ž  Prosthetics can be defined as artificial limbs or silicone prostheses that replace a limb or other body part after amputation or congenital absence.


Ø  Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics

The Commons at Oaklands

 660 West Lincoln Highway

 Exton, PA 19341



Ø  Hope to Walk
3635 A South Main Street
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Ø  ProfNet Medical

Crossway Office Park 2

      240 Lenchen Ave (cnr Jean)


                   +27 12 622 9103


Ø  Medical Orthotists & Prosthetists (MOPs) are concerned with the design, manufacturing and fitting of splints, braces, surgical appliances (orthotics) and artificial limbs (prosthetics). MOPs are members of the rehabilitation team; helping those who require orthopaedic support. Once qualified, Medical Orthotists & Prosthetists register with the Health Professional Council of South Africa (HPCSA).

Ø  J.M. de Burros

54 Tanner Rd
Windsor Park

Cape Gate

Cape Town

Tel:  021 988 9979

Fax:  086 684 8638

ž  Who would be interested in information about the effects of parental incarceration on young children? (5)

Ø  Social Workers

Ø   Researchers

Ø  Welfare departments

Ø  Rehabilitation Centres for female convicts

Ø  Chief Warden of a prison


ž  How  and where would the groups that you identified disseminate the information that they produced on the topic? (5) eg. websites, government publications

ž  Exploration of a topic can lead to other dimensions of interest which can lend  additional awareness to the study of parental incarceration on younger children.

Ø  Scholarly Articles on the topic

Ø  Look at the effects of adverse child behaviour  - Documentaries

Ø  Mental health problems in adults as well as children - Websites

Ø  Depression – Clinics

Ø  Suicide Attempts -  brochure booklets

Ø  Substance Abuse  - Workshops at schools

Ø  Domestic Issues/Abuse  - Women’s organsiations

Ø  Neighbourhood Abuse –Community Workshops




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