Saturday 12 August 2017

Information is Power!

I'm baaaaaack!!!

This is a new blog, quite exciting.
This module revises information literacy. 

Finding, locating and the relocating of information has gone through a surge of transformation.  The emphasis is helping those who are researching and who require information for a purpose.  It goes without saying, that library users require support to find information that can be turned into knowledge that has to be managed and used in an appropriate manner.

The core reason for this is to produce an information literate graduate who can realise what information is needed; access information effectively and efficiently; critically evaluate information and incorporate the information in everyday life.

In a nutshell, information literacy is there to empower the user, because knowledge contributes to implementation and action, and with action comes change and voila!  A new and improved you!

See you sooooooon!!!


  1. Agreed! Information literacy is a crucial part of today's day and age and the very core of lifelong learning!

  2. We truly can never be able to ignore the importance of having the skill to evaluate information, as all that is out there is all not filtered.

  3. Nicely said Estelle, you are so right without information literacy, you as a student won't be able to evaluate information accurately. Having these skills changes you as a person.

  4. Entertaining reflection Estelle. Let me just add in response to other comments that IL is much more than evaluating information as you will soon see....

  5. Information literacy is an important and vital skill, which is seriously lacking in many students. This is my personal observation of undergraduate students here at UWC.But here is where the role of the librarian is so important, it is the libarian that will give the library user the necessary support and to educate the user in becoming information literate.


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