Saturday, 2 September 2017

A Leap of Faith

Hi all

I was dead with flu, so skipped this lesson on the threshold concepts.

From the powerpoint I think I have the gist of it.  So her goes.

I think it is going from the unknown to the known, about stepping boldly into a space that will lead to new experiences and a new understanding of things.

In addition, this concept can relay to people who seek a mastery in particular field - acquiring a professional identity.  This means one goes from knowing the easy to the difficult and attaining a sense of accomplishment.  This accomplishment is key as this means that it is a skill that can be related to other disciplines, probably not as is, but maybe the thinking or knowing how to overcome the problem, can be used to aid in other professional identities.  For example, reading is  a literary skill but the skill of reading can lead to being a good cook as the skill of reading would mean that recipes can be followed.  The good thing is that once something is learned at that level, it is difficult to unlearn - it is irreversible.  Particular skills are particular to certain disciplines though, it's like jargon, no-one will really understand what it meant unless you are part of a field that uses that lingo.  I mean, do you know what bolo, wilco and 20 means?  Of course, be a police-man and found out.
However, with anything there are roadblocks, troublesome spots that need to be overcome.  for example, it is of no use to recognise words and not understand the meaning of words.  If you think this is ludicrous, try teaching teenagers who are visually-rich, but are actually for all intents and purposes, are mentally-poor.

But if one can transform, make that mental shift, there is a new way of thinking, of seeing the world.  Sure the familiar is comfortable and normal but it is so so so boring.  Rather look for that liminal space where you jump from the known (read: your boring life) to the unknown where great adventures await you.

Go on, be fabulous!


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